Hidradenitis Suppurativa

Hidradenitis suppurativa (HS) is a chronic inflammatory disease that affects the sweat glands located in flexural areas such as the groin, armpits, under the breast and the buttocks’ crease.

The chronic inflammation causes boils and abscesses, and due to the chronic nature of the disease, forms scars and tracks under the skin that connect the abscesses. The lesions are tender, ooze profoundly and affect quality of life considerably.

HS is caused by an overactive immune system (autoimmune disease) that targets the sweat glands. This is more common in female patients and in obese patients, and may be triggered by friction, follicle and duct occlusion, and hormones. It is more common in patients that have severe acne and in people who smoke.

The treatment of HS is challenging. Dr. Sagi will prescribe you with topical and systemic antibiotics and immunosuppressive medications such as Methotrexate and injections such as Adalimumab as the second-line therapy.